August, 2014 Company Newsletter: There’s Good Stuff in Here!

Hello my friends, and say hello to our August company newsletter!! August is already underway, and stuff has already happened! In July we had an excellent first Science Behind the Sci-Fi panel, and we had a new one just the other day, both of which will be linked below. We also have an upcoming Kickstarter campaign we’d love your help with, so without further adieu, let’s dive in!

I. Latest Posts

First off, we have a post covering last month’s Science Behind the Sci-Fi Panel, which covers the past, present and future of space exploration! It was a dang fun panel, and we’re thrilled at how the new video format is working out. Check it out!

Beyond this, we just did a new panel a couple of days ago entitled, “Stresses of Living in a Multi-Planet Society,” which you can already watch on our YouTube channel or by clicking below!

If you’d like to go directly to our first panel, click below!

We’ll have more detail on September’s Science Behind the Sci-Fi Panel in our upcoming newsletter in a few weeks, so stay tuned for that!

II. Latest Happenings

Beginning with Broken Crown, besides the Science Behind the Sci-Fi panels, we’re still sending out our monthly ebooks covering the Escaping Titan story, and remember, if you want your own copies, you can get them here!

Broken Crayon had their first Summer Sale this past month! I hope everyone was able to get their own copies of Quibbles, Wizardous and more at some fantastic prices. We’ve also seen some random sales pop up, so keep an eye out on our Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages for updates on new sales and other interesting tidbits.

Besides that, we have a bit of big news…

III. Upcoming Items

Broken Crayon will be launching our first Kickstarter campaign ever in September, and we could really use your help to make it the best campaign it can be! The game is called Dinosaur Island, and it’s a dinosaur simulator made by award-winning game designer Ezra Sidran, who in the 80s and 90s delighted fans with his award-winning Designasaurus series of games.

Now, the Kickstarter campaign launched September first, but we could use your help before then. Our campaign is currently in a draft mode, and we’re accepting feedback on how we can make it as engaging and entertaining as possible. We therefore invite you to head over to Kickstarter and give us your honest, constructive feedback on how well the campaign page is laid out, how effective are the videos or writing, and so on. With your help, we can not only successfully fund this game, but get it into the hands of teachers and students at schools in need as well!

That’s it for this month’s newsletter folks! Thanks for reading, and have an amazing day/week/month!